Come Alive Publications

Secret Treasures Of Coco Island
A set featuring book and props to enliven the story. The pirate adventure is told in a 24- page book, and the props to go with it include pirate hat, glow-in-the-dark shark tooth necklace, eye patch, and a sword. Children can act out the parts. Everything fits into its own carrying case.

Companion Software

(619) 587-0087
Technology offered by this new unit of Jostens Learning provides support for meeting the individual needs of children. With this system children can explore language plus much more. Interactive, voice-supported stories appear on the computer, animated characters can be moved, and other activities provide an exciting program. Additional classroom materials are available for this multi-ethnic literature, social studies, and science program. Single CD-ROM disk, Mac or MS-DOS.

Concepts in Motivation

(800) 947-8377
First Steps
An innovative new program to motivate children to move and get in shape. The statisitcs about children are alarming and they do need regular exercise, as do we all. This well-produced video teaches dance movement with bouncy music, a colorful mat, bean bags, and rhythm sticks. Creator of program is a dance instructor. Programs on videos so far include shapes, colors, numbers, alphabet, annnals, and nutrition.

Connector Set Toy Co.

A new, innovative construction set for children over age eight. In a sturdy storage box are 325 pieces for mailing many different models, including a dinosaur, sailboat, and truck. This is a colorful set that is simple to put together in straight lines or circles, and they can move and spin. Extras are big wheels, hub caps, and pulleys. The pieces snap together. Directions are easy to follow. This activity is a snap.


(310) 793-0600
Reading Adventures In Oz
This is a whole language software program based on the OZ stories. Skills include reading, word recognition, phonics, problem solving, comprehension, and more. The child from three to nine can select one of four characters as adventures begin along the Yellow Brick Road. Features include age-appropriate activities, animation, graphics, and speech. The end of the path provides a wish from the great Wizard.